That time we bought beef short rib

That time we bought beef short rib

Beef short rib has become such a huge hit and feature in some of LA’s top restaurants (Majordomo and Nightshade to name a couple). But, of course, we were curious…how would it taste if we attempted it ourselves?

Whenever we are cooking for a big group and plan ahead, we will almost always rely on our ANOVA sous vide to feature our protein. If you’re new to the sous vide world, it’s a technique that allows you to cook at a precise temperature for sustained periods of time to achieve the perfect level of done-ness every time. It takes all the guesswork out of cooking proteins. No more wondering if it’s over or under cooked!

We mainly like to source our proteins from Costco and Whole Foods and for this, we purchased the beef from Costco at a pretty good price point. We first like to marinate the beef short rib for 24 hours overnight in shio koji. Shio koji is simply salt, water, and rice koji. It helps to tenderize and bring out umami in We then set our ANOVA sous vide at 133 degrees F and allow to cook for 48 hours. The result? This medium rare perfection below. We served it with with a side of our citrus sambal, pickled red onions, cucumbers, and butter lettuce.
