Our Story
What is East Far East about?
We take our favorite flavors from dishes we grew up eating and restaurants that impress our palate, then think of ways to innovate and put our own spin on it.
Who is behind East Far East?
We are mild-mannered professionals by day (an accountant, lawyer, and pharmacist by trade), but super culinary creatives by night, and this is what makes us different. We each have a passion for sharing our food ideas and experiences with those around us and will always welcome you to have a seat at our table!
What's with the name?
We appreciate food from various cultures and would trek all around the world to try 'em all if we could! With our Chinese, Indian, and Filipino backgrounds though, we are a tad bit biased with the Asian food we grew up eating (hence, "Far East"). But hey, if you go far east enough, you'd eventually eat your way around the globe right? Plus, it's catchy.
Behind the cooking: Kapil & Jon
Behind the camera: Mary Alice